Supporting the Body's Recovery Process Following Injury, Surgery or Immobilisation

Stiffness and restricted range of movement are the most common clinical presentations second to pain. This on-line course is ideal for all therapists who would like to help others to recover or improve their ease and range of movement.

Are you familiar with the physiological events and psychological impact on body and mind following injury, immobilization or surgery and what is the best approach to support the body?s natural recovery process.

3 CEUs


EV Eufemia / 2021-10-04
FH Frieda / 2021-10-07 Easy to read and understand while backed up by decent articles. Enjoyed the use of imagery as well.
KF Kerry-Leigh / 2021-10-22
TV Tania / 2022-04-08
TV Tania / 2022-04-08
MS Mareli / 2023-08-20
LN Laura / 2023-09-15


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Event Info

When & Where


Starts: Thursday, January 1 1970 at 12:00 AM
Ends: Thursday, January 1 1970 at 12:00 AM